Thursday, September 15, 2011

Al-Qaeda releases video supporting Arab Spring

DUBAI - Al-Qaeda has released a message in which Osama bin Laden's successor as thegroup's leader, Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, said al Qaeda supported the Arab Spring.
The hour-long video was released to mark the 10th anniversary of al-Qaeda's Sept 11, 2001attacks on the United States.
The SITE Monitoring Service, which tracks jihadist statements, quoted al-Zawahiri as saying hehoped the protest movements that have overthrown leaders in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya wouldestablish what he called true Islam.
The video was posted on jihadist websites on Monday and titled "The Dawn of ImminentVictory", SITE said.
Al-Qaeda, which called for the violent overthrow of secular Arab governments, lost a great dealof relevance as a result of the political upheaval across the Middle East and North Africa.
The video also included a message that al-Qaeda said was recorded by Osama bin Ladenbefore his killing in May by US special forces, in which he warns Americans against "falling asslaves" to the control of major corporations.
Ahead of events on Sunday in the United States to commemorate the 10th anniversary of theSept 11 attacks, officials had warned of a specific, credible but unconfirmed report of a threatto harm Americans, notably in New York and Washington.  
SITE made no mention of any specific threat in its account of the contents of thevideo.                                  

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